How to Email Some Hiring Manager Again for Opportunities

Stephan Heinrich

Beingness a manager in whatever workplace is a difficult gig. Y'all have to deal with crazy schedules, unpredictable employees, and a plethora of insane customers. Perchance one of the worst parts of the task is letting people go, especially when you lot've invested time and coin into them. But some workers are just then bad, information technology'southward like they'reasking to get fired…

The following people take the top prizes for being the worst screw-ups in the workplace. Have you e'er heard of an employee trying to steal $100,000 on their commencement day of banking? How about an employee who sent acomplete stranger to impersonate them in an interview? These may audio as well cool to be existent, but the idiocy of new hires is

These fed-up managers shared their quickest (and strangest) hired-then-fired stories. Information technology's non hard to see why they permit these guys go!

Honey, Yous're Talking To The CEO

The new hire had only gone through orientation and was sitting through a brief introductory speech by the CEO. She decided to interrupt the CEO and started lecturing him most how his company didn't have a skilful plenty spider web presence. He told her that they could discuss information technology later, but she only kept talking louder.


Finally, he had enough, and in front of everybody, he told her she no longer worked at his company anymore. She started sobbing and said that she was only trying to help. She had moved across the country for the job.

Homo, we dodged a bullet on that one.

I worked for a major three-lettered reckoner company. A new service tech was hired. Once he logged in, he pulled out a portable difficult bulldoze from his haversack, continued it to his automobile, and started to re-create everything he had access to. Inside iii hours, security was escorting him out the door.

True Inform

Is Anyone Going To Pick Her Up?

One fourth dimension, I got a call from the county jail because this girl I only hired had been arrested and she refused to give any data to the police. They called me hoping they could get more information about her from me, such as a relative they could contact about her abort. I told them I couldn't give them her data, simply I agreed to call her emergency contacts to let them know what was going on.

Core Magnetism

I chosen her mom and told her that she was currently in jail and all the mom said was, "Of course she is." She and so hung upwardly on me.

Almost 2 days later she was released from jail, she ended up in the infirmary from alcohol poisoning. I had to allow her go. The worst role is that I actually liked her.

She Wasn't As Abrupt Equally She Thought…

I hired a person to be a personal banker. She was all smiles in the interview and seemed to have a knack for sales. Within the first hour of her starting, she attempted to deposit $100,000 into a dummy business relationship that she had set up. It set off near a 1000000 crimson flags in the system.

Core Magnetism

The official time of her employment with u.s.a., from the moment she clocked in to the moment her firing, was 20 minutes. 10 of those minutes were spent waiting for the cops.

Allergies Are No Joke, Darling

She didn't even make it through the office tour.


We rent a lot of seasonal workers, and last twelvemonth we had a girl with a mortiferous peanut allergy. We put upward a few reminder signs and placed some peanut-complimentary dishes and forks in the kitchen to prepare for her first day. When she arrived, we showed her around and she pointed at the signs, request sarcastically, "You actually believe someone can die from peanuts?"

I asked a few questions to make sure she wasn't trying to make a terrible joke. When information technology was obvious she was serious, I told her she was done for the day and that she could head home. I don't have the ability to fire people, so I was a lilliputian worried when I took it to our boss. Fortunately, my boss took my side.

As It Turns Out, Threats Tin can Get You Fired

This was less than an hour after orientation.

Employee Full Well Being

I got a call shortly well-nigh the new guy. Apparently, he had been harassing all the women and threatening to pause our panels with a hammer if he got fired. He was bragging well-nigh this to Everyone.

What Was This Poor Guy Thinking…

We prepare the temp hire up at his task and showed him what to exercise. There was a tin can of degreaser sitting with the automobile he was operating. He came into my office, sat down, picked upwardly a shop rag, sprayed some degreaser on it, and pressed information technology into his face, inhaling information technology deeply. I got up, went over to him, and said, "Come up on, son." I walked him to the door.

HWH Environmental

You're In The Wrong Profession, Bud

I let some poor kid go afterwards 30 minutes. He didn't want to quit because it was his outset job, but he was clearly in over his head. To his credit, he interviewed similar a CHAMP, and some people are merely really good at proverb all the correct things. When I fired him, he shook my hand, told me I had nice eyebrows and left. The adjacent day, he emailed me to let me know he was quitting… I told him there were no hard feelings since he was already fired.


I have now learned to ask every PHLEBOTOMIST applicant if they are comfortable being exposed to blood. Thanks, Connor.

Actually, Just Continue Holiday Forever

At 8:45 a.m., I gave an employee a warning for not pulling his ain weight. At 9:30 a.k., my squad informed me that the employee I only gave a warning to announced he was taking a week-long holiday. At ix:35 a.m., he was nowhere to be found.

Beaches Living

I hope it was a dainty vacation.

It Takes A Special Kind Of Person…

I had a bartender who "lost" money on her outset shift. The drawer started at $200. She came dorsum with $140. She worked six hours and did not take any credit menu tips or anything, and so she "somehow" managed to spend all of her tips, plus $lx without leaving the building. Yes, fired.


Ah, The Pinnacle Of Pure Laziness

I managed a fast food restaurant and hired someone to work primarily in the dorsum prep kitchen. The job involved cutting v to ten 20-kilogram bags of potatoes per shift with a hand-operated machine, as well as doing dishes and cleaning. The new hire had a great trial shift, so I scheduled him in for the next 24-hour interval at apex.


I go far at three thousand. for the closing shift to discover uncut potatoes, dishes piled heaven high and the new rent in my damn office chair, texting.

Nope. Bye-goodbye.

Expect…Who Is This Dude?

A temp nosotros hired for a project interviewed extremely well. He was looked professional person and spoke perfect English with the barest hint of a London accent. He also had a ton of credentials. If anything, he seemed overqualified for what was essentially a grunt lab position.


On his second 24-hour interval, he showed upwards to the estimator lab. He was a completely different person. Like, literally. He was squat, overweight, and had a different face and hair. He also had a thick accent. I didn't know who he was, but he was not the guy we hired.

I looked over his awarding file and I got a copy of his ID. He wasn't even a U.s. citizen. I had never come across this before: the temp company basically pulled a bait and switch. On his tertiary mean solar day, he was 2 hours late, but by that point, I had the permission to burn down him based on his lack of beingness a US citizen.

We subsequently found out this temp bureau would send the nice guy for the interview, and so transport someone of the aforementioned proper name and race to piece of work the actual job. They had gotten away with it for quite some time.

Sleep All Day, Party All Night, Piece of work… Never!

She lasted almost 63 minutes. She seemed so nice and motivated during the interview, and then I was excited to bring her on.

Interesting World

Simply on the very first mean solar day, she was iv hours late to her five-hour training shift. She said she had overslept, despite the fact that her shift started at 5 thousand. ON A TUESDAY. There were lots of red flags, but I'm a nice guy and she said she needed the money, so I gave her another gamble.

LITERALLY THE Side by side Day she came in two hours late and tipsy. The first words out of her mouth were neither an excuse or an apology. She asked me, "Tin can I become $100 upfront from my first check subsequently my shift so I can become out with my girl tonight? It'due south her birthday."

I fired her on the spot and banned her from ever coming dorsum.

No One Likes A Little Deviling

I stupidly hired someone later another manager promised me he interviewed well. I was desperate for an extra body in my department and I let it happen without having met him start.


An hour in, he was an obnoxious lilliputian punk. He was swearing and breaking stuff. He then decided to run around on the shop flooring without looking and considering of that, he walked correct into a customer and caput-butted her.

Yeah, fired.

I Accept Then, So Many Questions

I managed a gas station for a while. I hired this guy who seemed completely normal, and so I had him start the adjacent day. After about 30 minutes of working, he said he needed a break. No large deal, something must have come. Maybe 10 minutes later, a customer came in saying a man was passed out in the men'south restroom. I sent some other employee to check upwardly on him and the new hire was naked and completely unresponsive.

Terminate Snoring NYC

You lot Had A Second Chance There, Homo

The new hire was fired on his kickoff twenty-four hour period. He left for lunch and when he came back, this happened:

CPA Trendlines

Me: "Your eyes are all red, are you on something?"

Him: "Yup!"

Me: "Whoa. Are you lot sure near that answer? Allow me ask one more than time: Are you lot on something?"

Him: "Yup!"

Me: *sigh*

I'll Just Give You Every Day Off, And then

I hired her specifically for overnights. The job posting said overnights. The official job offer said overnights. The schedule given to her was for overnights. Yet, she didn't prove for the first night shift. She arrived in the morn and told me she could only work days.


I had to allow her because she already was hired.

This Went Downhill Rapidly…

Dorsum when I was a director of an car shop, I hired a new guy mechanic. It took forever to observe someone, but I finally hired a guy who had 20 years of experience, an impressive resume, and all the certifications.

Cent Pour Cent

The suspicious thing was he showed upwards for his first solar day driving an quondam, trounce upward Chevette: the body was 1 color, the hood another, and the fenders another. There was also a behemothic toolbox hanging out the back hatch. Supposedly he was a top-stop, loftier-earning tech?

The starting time week there were bug with misdiagnoses and comebacks. The Monday afterwards, his wife called in ill for him. She showed upwards to selection up his bank check. The next week there were more problems, and his wife called in ill for him Monday again. Our dispatcher figured something was up with the guy.

When the tech went for a smoke break, the dispatcher came out and checked the Big-Gulp the guy e'er had past his toolbox. Turns out information technology was straight vodka.

He was fired by the 3rd week.

Come On, This Is Kind Of Hilarious

First 24-hour interval.


I used to manage a Borders bookstore and I caught a new hire hiding our conservative books. For case, she would place copies of Al Franken's "Rush Limbaugh is a Large Fatty Idiot" over volumes of Limbaugh's "Come across I Told You So".

Well, That Was Quite The Adventure

I had a guy who said everything I wanted to hear during the interview. I hired him for a position and put him on an piece of cake job site the following solar day. I showed up at x a.thou. to encounter how he was doing. He hadn't done anything of value. He had set one ladder. I asked him if he was okay and if he needed a mitt getting started. He assured me everything would be washed on schedule.


I left to the adjacent chore site, feeling confident that he would boot some butt. Subsequently, I swung back by and the guy still hadn't washed any work. I found his coiffure just talking and they told me he went to a dental appointment! I called him, but there was no reply. I set up the guys and got them going on the task after half of the day was completely wasted.

Later, I got a call from one of my guys on delivery and he said one of my trucks were parked in front end of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. I collection over to investigate and, sure enough, the new rent was at that place, tipsy as could exist. I asked the bartender if I could send him a drink. She filled a pint, then I wrote him a cheque for his time onsite and put it in the beverage.

She brought it to him and he looked within. The bartender then brought his attention to me. I waved and said, "Your services are no longer needed."

I Recollect It's A Valid Reason

He was two hours late for his first mean solar day on the job. When I asked why he stated:


"Information technology'southward the first snow mean solar day of the yr. I had to go sledding."

I told him he could have all the time in the world to become sledding… Considering I fired him.

I'm Starting To Notice A Pattern…

I ran an editorial website and was looking for opportunities to share our content in the annotate section of other websites, and then I'd search words in some of our articles to find similar content. I chop-chop found three instances in which unabridged paragraphs on our website had been copied by other websites. Enraged, I dug farther and finally realized that we were really the ones doing the copying.


Information technology all traced back to ane writer. I scheduled a coming together with her in the morning to talk through these few slip-ups. At midnight, I stayed upwardly investigating everything she had written for us, and realized she had washed this with all fourteen articles she had written. The purpose of the morning meeting quickly changed.

Does She Realize What Job She Signed Up For?

Most of our new hires are really middle-aged women. Xc percent of them are awesome, but some of them feel super entitled because they're centre-anile. Information technology doesn't assistance that I'm but 23 either.


Anyway, the new hire seemed okay. She didn't make too much of an effort with the kids, but that wasn't abnormal. Information technology takes about staff a chip of fourth dimension to get comfortable with other people kids.

We changed diapers on a schedule unless they needed to be changed immediately. I had changed a couple of diapers already and noticed she didn't even lift a finger to assistance.

I ask her to help me. She seemed surprised and said, "Oh, I don't change diapers, beloved."

This lady took a job caring for babies but said she didn't alter diapers.

She was fired maybe an hour afterward.

Hell Hath No Fury Like An Angry Father

I run a car dealership I hired a immature guy, mayhap 22 years old. A man walked in with his teen daughter and he started flirting with her, saying all these racy things. The Dad heard and complained to me. I fired the guy on the spot. He lasted 20 minutes.


Oh, And then She's One Of Those People

I worked at a boarding kennel for a few years and really loved information technology. It's dirty piece of work, but I really like animals. We also boarded exotics, which was super neat.


Anyhow, the boss hired this girl who seemed a footling off. During preparation, she'd stare off into space and not really acknowledge me. When I walked her through the procedure of cleaning kennels, and she did it just fine. So I sent her on her way.

On her beginning real twenty-four hour period of piece of work, she went out to clean the kennels. It's a long process. It takes ii hours minimum to practice a decent task. But six hours into her shift, no i had seen her. When I checked the kennels, hands half of them weren't cleaned and a lot of the doors were open. The girl was missing, along with iv dogs. I ran to the boss because I genuinely thought the girl had stolen the dogs. The whole team went looking for her and eventually found her.

She had four Big dogs—a Malamute, a swell Dane, and 2 shepherds—all on leashes tied to the contend. She was giving them baths in the owner'southward equus caballus trough. She brought the shampoo from home in her dejeuner box. She didn't understand why the boss was mad. She said, "It was and so hot and they looked and then unhappy." The boss literally dragged her to her car kicking and screaming.

And then yeah. 6 hours.

Yep, A Cocky-Made Medical Emergency Is A No-No

I hired this big Michael-Clarke-Duncan-looking guy who claimed he had experience in a kitchen. Nobody could get a hold of his references, only nosotros were curt a body and he had interviewed really well. Cut to his first twenty-four hour period: The homo had no inkling at all about whatever of the kitchen basics, so nosotros started questioning our decision. We figured maybe he was nervous or hungover, so nosotros let information technology ride another day.

Film Combat Syndicate

On his second mean solar day, he came in and started prepping. I kept one-half an eye on him. I saw him grab some potatoes for soup, and next matter y'all know, he's muttering about the chef'south dull knife. Instead of sharpening it with the whetstone on hand, or fifty-fifty using steel, he grabbed a x-inch flexible blooper and started forcing his way through a big russet.

I piped up and said, "Hey! That's the wrong tool for the job. What are you doing?" He replied, "Nah, human, I got this." The murphy he was holding then rolled out of his grip, and the pocketknife sprung off of the side of it, sinking itself into his left manus and out the back side.

This Level Of Stupidity Takes Skill

When I supervised the testing room of an electronics recycling and reselling facility, I had to let a new rent go along his second day. afterward He passed over 50 phones that all had critical faults. He as well failed to wipe the information off of any of them. This was after I spent a total twenty-four hours personally training him, giving him a printout with a checklist of everything he needed to exam. I as well informed him of what constituted equally a failed device, and explained how crucial it was to destroy all the data. Nosotros could exist sued if any customer data was left on the phones.


He was a super nice guy and I hated to practice information technology, but he messed up.

Okay, This Is Only Creepy…

He came in the dark afterward his offset training shift. He wasn't scheduled and he didn't tell anyone he was there.


He went into one of our female person resident'southward rooms. It's unclear what he did while he was in there, as this particular resident wasn't able to speak. No one saw him until 4 a.thou. when information technology was time for the adjacent round.

In that location was no physical show of abuse towards the resident, so he wasn't charged with anything. Simply he was immediately fired and was blacklisted from our company.

What A Terrible Way To Gloat

I work at a picture palace and we had to fire a new hire as soon as he showed up. Subsequently orientation, he went to the sunglasses store across the street. He was talking to the worker in that location about how he had merely gotten hired at the theater. He then stole a pair of sunglasses. They showed us the camera footage and we fired him immediately.


Did He Just…? Aye, Yes He Did

I was giving a new hire a bout of the facility and nosotros stopped in the kitchen. I explained that eating was prohibited while on the piece of work flooring, but that the break room and lounge were both bachelor for use during mealtimes. I pointed out the cupboards and refrigerator where he could store his luncheon items, and showed him the coffeepot for common apply. Every bit I was pointing out where the java supplies were kept, he walked right up to the fridge, opened it, took out a lunchbox and started going through it. I don't remember exactly what he took out, just information technology was something like a slice of fruit, a drink and a baggie of cookies or crackers.


We sat down at a table and talked most some other basics before heading back to the work floor. He returned to the fridge and grabbed something else out, simply I reminded him his food needed to be kept in the designated areas. He'd have to wait until afterwards to end his snack.

Not 30 minutes later, while new guy was watching some training videos, a long-time employee came to my office upset that half her tiffin was missing. I immediately knew what had happened.

But…Did He Get Whatsoever Out?

When I was a manager at McDonald'due south, we had one older employee who used coffee stirrers to fish out dollar bills from the Ronald McDonald House fund, all while customers were waiting in line to have their orders taken.


At present Isn't The Time For A Nap

We hired this server who had been waiting tables her whole life and was a general manager of a restaurant for about 10 years. She showed up for her first shift late and HAMMERED. She walked to the back berth and proceeded to pass out. A unlike director tried stirring her awake, only cipher worked.

Daily Mail

Finally, he just roared her name and she woke upwards. He told her to leave immediately.

Yes, We're Not Playing A Game Of Telephone

I was an account managing director for contract security. I reported to the client's Senior Managing director of Security (kind of like a commune manager; he had buildings in similar five states that he was responsible for).

Psychology Today

I had a new employee kickoff, and the client director was trying to talk to her. He was asking her how long she'd been with the visitor, what other contracts she's worked, etc., merely she just stood in that location ignoring him.

Turns out, she'd "heard near him" from somebody that used to piece of work with him at his erstwhile job and had decided she simply wouldn't speak to him. I told her that actually wasn't an choice—she would exist at that place later hours and would have to call him at home if there was an issue. She refused to heed.

She lasted near three and a half hours.

A Teenager, An Old Adult female, And An Ex-Con Walk Into A Deli…

I was a cafeteria manager at a supermarket. I hired three people at in one case. An older lady, an ex-con, and a foolish teenager. The teen decided to start a fist fight with the older lady over some muddied dishes. The ex-con stepped in to break information technology up. My area managing director wanted me to burn down them all. I fired the teenager. He lasted four hours into his showtime shift.

Parenting Coach

No Worries, He Was Merely Making A Freaking Sword

I work in the theater manufacture and I accept directed quite a few actors whom I've fired later on a few days. My quickest fire was actually a technician. Permit's call him Noah. Noah was xix years onetime and had been brought in because his father was a friend of the producer or something. I immediately realized that something was off about him. Firstly, he was hands half-dozen'4″ only probably simply 150 pounds. Additionally, he was constantly asking the other staff members how to accomplish bones tasks, proving he knew zippo about tech.

Vista News

After lunch, I came in to find him attempting to sand a chunk of welding steel on the store belt sander. For those who don't know, a belt sander is meant to grind down wood. Steel is harder than wood. He was clearly ignoring the sparks flight from every opening in the machine. I afterwards learned he'd decided he wanted to make a sword.

I have ten rules posted in my shop. Ii of them are: "Don't work in the store without a buddy," and "If y'all break a power tool, yous pay for it." As I shut off the power and explained to Noah that this would be coming out of his paycheck, he screamed, threw his sharpened pole of steel at me, and ran out, violating my unwritten 11th rule: "Don't endeavour to kill people."

I was luckily unharmed, and he was fired after 7 hours of piece of work.


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